She sliced the orange into pieces, separating them by their wedges. His eyes looked up, waiting patiently like he’d been told. Every time she stole a glance at his big eyes, he tried to hide his excitement. His desire was tangible as he shifted back and forth on his tiny feet, raising himself up slightly higher to watch her long fingers work. Finally, he couldn’t stand it any longer… “Mama, can I have two pieces?”

His echoing voice lingered while she cut slowly, allowing the anticipation to build. She smiled, “you want two pieces?” His giggled response of “yes, ma’am” was eager and hopeful.
Finishing, she placed all the pieces on his plate and lowered herself to the floor. “My darling, you can have the whole thing.”
Much like this mother and child, such is our relationship with our heavenly Father. Our requests are small but His intentions are big. Trust that He knows the desires of our heart and has plans that far exceed our own expectations.

Did you know that it is difficult to type through teary eyes? Sweet writing.
Ohhh, thank you, Oma.