In order to legally send out email newsletters, a physical mailing address must be included in all email communications to comply with the US CAN-Spam Act. So, when I first created my blog – – I used my home address for my e-newsletter. It wasn’t the smartest decision but it was necessary so I could begin communications.
Well, a few months back I opened a P.O. Box so I could be a little more anonymous – this is the internet, after all.
I live in a tiny town and the U.S. Post Office is just as small. When I filled out the paperwork for the P.O. Box, I had a great discussion with the gal that works there, Hilary. We talked about my passion for healthy cooking and her favorite bread recipe. Someone who eavesdropped on our conversation (very easy to do in that small box of an office) said that now she knew where to come to make friends.
Fast forward to a few days ago… I was finally getting around to updating the address on my newsletter and I couldn’t find my P.O. Box paperwork anywhere. It is unlike me to misplace anything, let alone something like that. After searching all the usual places, including my filing cabinet, I called the post office and Hilary answered.
She remembered me instantly and we had another great chat. We stayed on the phone for quite a while as she sifted through paperwork, trying to find mine. I told her about my day and she relayed the happenings of hers. The sound of rustling papers was dull in comparison to our voices. I realized that her mood had brightened over the minutes that we talked – and so had mine.
You see, this is what life is about: connections. Our society is caught up in “busy” more than it’s freed from that bondage. We don’t take time to acknowledge the person next to us in line or over the phone. But when we do, when we open our eyes just a little… we can be reminded why we’re here. And perhaps we can alter someone else’s day – or even their life – through a kind word. And if their day isn’t made better, I can just about guarantee that yours will be, for trying.
So, reach out… make connections… be kind… go beyond yourself… spread joy and wake people up a bit. We’re all alive and traveling through this lovely planet together. Make the most of it.
You know what else? I hung up the phone with my P.O. Box address written down and immediately logged into my email provider to update it. When I clicked on the address field, I had already transitioned it to the new mailing solution. I suddenly remembered that I’d done it the same day I had opened the box (all those months ago).
I was so thankful that I’d forgotten I’d done that. If I had remembered, I would’ve been robbed of the opportunity to touch another human being that day. I needed the connection, and so did she.

Thanks for reading, Jack!